Sunday, June 9, 2019

Employee relations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employee relations - Coursework ExampleCollective bargaining is a major initiation of organizational difference and negotiation strategies have the power to accelerate or decelerate the business operations of an organization. The incidents of industrial democracy in United Kingdom has marked development in employer employee relationship and the guidance initiative of employee exponentiation in decision making has successfully accelerated the scope for organizational development (Pattanayak, 2014). The paper will concentrate on the employee relations, the cause and effect of conflict as well as the role of negotiation in collective bargaining in order to respect the relevant strategies of human resource management and organizational behaviour and how the application of these strategies can help to establish stability in an organizational framework.Organizational conflict many be defined as the disagreement arising out of employees as a result of perceived differences in values, c ultural norms, interests as well as substantial and intangible needs of the employees workings together in an organizations. Excessive use of power and authority also leads to generate dissatisfaction among individuals which in turn tends to create conflict (Rahim, 2015). In order to evaluate the procedures an organization should adopt for the purpose of dealing such organizational conflict, it is important to identify the reasons behind it.Organizational structure and culture is the most significant source of conflicts. For instance, an organization using matrix structure obligates the employees for dual reporting that leads to create ambiguity regarding their routine responsibilities. Global companies that integrate geographically dispersed provinces across earth frequently experience employee conflicts as a result of cultural differences among the employees coming from different race and religion. Scarcity and improper distribution

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