Monday, June 10, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Capital Punishment - Essay ExampleJapan and the United States are somewhat of the developed countries that are still practicing capital penalization. In Africa, Congos executions were rising at an alarming rate by 2003. There needs to be a change since capital punishment adversely affects the families of the victim.Capital punishment is reprisal through meting out a death sentence to the offender. In the criminal umpire systems of legion(predicate) countries, it is lawful to inflict death to lawbreakers, depending on the weight of the crime. It is an act of ensuring that individuals suffer for engaging in activities that are against the law. In the criminal justice systems of more countries, it is lawful to inflict death to lawbreakers, depending on the weight of the crime. In the United States, death penalty is usually held in reserve for first-degree murder crimes which in close cases are associated with horrific circumstances such as bombing and killing a large number of peo ple. It was mostly used in the ancient times, although many countries still use capital punishment (Steven 2007 Katrina and Steve 2008). In a broader perspective, it can be argued that capital punishment involves taking the life of a nonher person. In doing so, it should not be forgotten that the victim has certain responsibilities that he/she leaves behind after an execution.The most important of all are the family members left behind. Frustration and grief belabor them with a number of suicide cases being reported after a death sentence. People have had different views concerning capital punishment, with some viewing it as a deterrent to crime, while others find no accomplishment in it. This paper is a critical investigation of capital punishment. The history of capital punishment has been discussed and its application in todays society. Several states where it is applied on lawbreakers have been highlighted as well as how it is applied. The paper presents a discussion on the sys tem of capital punishment, and its

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