Saturday, May 25, 2019

Management Control System Essay

A common fleet significantly simplifies scheduling, operations, and maintenance. Training costs for pilots, primer coat crew, and mechanics are refuse, because theres only a wiz aircraft to learn. Purchasing, provisioning, and other operations are also vastly simplified, therefore lowering costs. 2. People Southwest tries hard to different way. For example, not assigning seats in its flights helps to reinforce its image that it gets passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares.By not assigning seats, Southwest can turn the airplanes faster at the gate. If an airplane can be turned quicker, more routes can be flown each day. That generates more revenue, so that Southwest can offer lower fares. About 60% of Southwests passenger revenue was generated by online bookings via southwest. com. That southwest. com was the number one airline website by revenue and Nielsen/Net Rating identify it as the largest airline site in terms of u nique visitors. 2. How do Southwests control systems help execute the firms dodging?Southwests control system help execute the firms strategy by Implementing short haul and medium haul, on-line booking, less(prenominal) time at the gate, hedged fuel and oil Southwest consistently sought out ways to improve its efficiencies and pass on the cost savings to its passengers. In 2004, Southwest had reduce the headcount per aircraft to 74 from 85 in 2003. It hedged about 85% of its fuel and oil needs as a result saved about $ 455 million . It also entered new airports after a process of due diligence and with a sense of commitment to the citizenry it served.Southwest pilots were among the only pilots of major U. S. airlines who did not belong to a nation union. National union rules limited the number of hours pilots could fly. But Southwests pilots were unionised independently allowing them to fly far more hours than pilots at other airlines. Othe workers at SWA wree nationally unioniz ed but their contracts wrere flexible enough to allow them to jump in and help out regardless of the task at hand. From the time the plane landed until it was ready for takeoff took approx 20-25 minutes at SWA and required a ground crew of 4 plus 2 at the gate.Is the controller relationship of Martex better than that of Rendell current organizationalrelationship ? Objective To achieve profitability and growth Ans 1 What is the organisational philosophy of Martex with respect to the controller function? What do you think of it? Should Rendell Adopt this philosophy? The organizational philosophy of Martex with respect to the controller function is thatdivisional controller work to the corporate controller for transparency of information on budget issues. According to us it has the following Adv and disadv

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